Product Inbox 📬 Focus #14 - 67 prompts ChatGPT pour les Product à tester dès maintenant
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Hello 👋, bienvenue dans cette 14ème édition Focus de Product Inbox ! On est désormais 7561 sur cette newsletter. Merci pour ta lecture et ton soutien 💛.
Je m’appelle Timothé et si ce n’est pas déjà fait, tu peux :
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J’espère que tout roule pour toi !
Je suis très heureux de t’envoyer la 5ème édition Focus de 2023 🤩.
Après l’édition de mai, consacrée à la santé mentale des Product, je suis sûr que tu attendais impatiemment la suivante 😉.
Pour cette édition, j’ai choisi un sujet d’actualité : ChatGPT (oui, encore…).
Depuis sa sortie en 2022, on lit tout et son contraire sur cette technologie controversée.
Certains pensent qu’elle va changer le monde. D’autres la trouvent sur-côtée.
De mon côté, j’ai laissé passer le temps pour évaluer comment ChatGPT pourrait être utile aux métiers du Produit.
Et j’en suis arrivé à une conclusion.
Cette technologie peut radicalement changer ta façon de bosser si tu lui donnes une petite place dans ton quotidien.
Certains PM l’ont déjà adopté pour creuser des volets de leur métier comme Olivier Gasquet chez Evoliz (Big up !).
Alors avec Hassan de ma core team, on s’est mis en mode pilote automatique pour recenser le maximum de used-cases où ChatGPT peut te faire gagner en temps et en efficacité dans ta vie de Product Manager.
Et c’est pas tout.
On a même trouvé un prompt efficace pour que tu puisses le copier/coller directement dans ChatGPT et l’essayer.
Avant de te laisser découvrir l’édition, je tiens à remercier Hassan et Olivier pour leur aide sur cette édition 💛.
Pour réaliser cette édition, on a regroupé 67 prompts en 9 catégories :
Stratégie, roadmap et OKRs
Product Marketing
Développer ses compétences
Les points principaux à retenir 🧠
Prompt bien construit = résultats 10x meilleurs. Apprendre à prompter en amont est impératif pour utiliser ChatGPT dans son quotidien.
Toujours prendre du recul sur les réponses de ChatGPT. Lui demander ses sources.
Documentez les prompts pour les partager entre équipe et améliorer les tests.
ChatGPT peut aider sur tous les volets du job de Product Manager.
🚨 Avertissements
Warning 1 :
ChatGPT a une particularité : il faut lui donner les bonnes instructions (le bon prompt) pour obtenir des résultats pertinents.
L’idée de cette édition n’est pas de te livrer un cours sur l’utilisation de ChatGPT.
Des tas d’articles sont sortis récemment pour apprendre à bien “prompter” ChatGPT. Je te laisse creuser sur Google ou sur le site d’OpenAI (l’entreprise qui a créé la technologie) pour te former à son utilisation.
Mais si tu souhaites un résumé rapide des bonnes pratiques de prompt, tu peux jeter un œil à ce post Linkedin de Benoît Dubos ou à cet article bien ficelé de Pete Sena.
Warning 2 :
ChatGPT est bluffant. Mais il a tendance à beaucoup inventer à partir de ce qu’on lui donne. Fais attention à bien vérifier la véracité des informations qu’il te communique.
Par exemple, n’hésite pas à lui demander ses sources lorsqu’il te communique des faits sur une personne, un produit spécifique ou une entreprise.
Te voilà maintenant prêt à tester ChatGPT pour changer ta pratique Produit.
Pour ça, on a recensé 67 prompts rangés en 9 catégories.
N’oublie pas d’appliquer les règles de prompt (voir avertissements ci-dessus) avant de copier/coller chacune des propositions suivantes.
C’est parti 🔥.
1/ Discovery
Rédiger les questions d’un sondage
Using guidelines mentioned in Teresa Torres’ book “Continuous Discovery Habits”, formulate a survey to capture feedback for a [SECTOR OF PRODUCT] product that helps user make [USED CASE].
Réaliser une étude de marché
Prompt 1 :
I am creating a [DESCRIBE PRODUCT AND ITS VALUE PROP]. Can you help me with a list of competitors in this space, their value propositions, and their weaknesses? Please put data in a tabular format.
Prompt 2 :
What could be the total addressable market for the [PRODUCT] idea I referred to earlier? Segment the market in sub-categories and include Go To Market pointers as well.
Prompt 3 :
Use the information I am giving below and tell me the pros and cons of using this product: [Paste the whole homepage content from your competitor’s website]
Prompt 4 :
Perform [SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 force] Analysis on [Competitors Name]
Générer des idées de nouvelles fonctionnalités
I am a Product Manager of [PRODUCT TYPE] that helps [END USER] to [PROBLEM SOLVED]. I am already monetizing well and want now to branch off to other areas. What adjacent product or services can I offer that leverages my strengths and can quickly turn a profit?
Identifier des concurrents sur un marché
I am creating a [DESCRIBE PRODUCT VALUE PROPOSITION]. Can you help me with a list of competitors in this space, their value propositions, and their weaknesses? Please put data in a tabular format.
Préparer une user interview
Using the principles given in the MOM’s test book. Can you come up with 5 questions I should ask my users of the streaming app?
Résumer des feedbacks utilisateurs
I am a Product Manager at [COMPANY NAME]. I want you to read the user reviews we received on [REVIEWS PLATFORM NAME] and summarize them to me.
Générer des opportunity trees
Act as a Product Manager for a [PRODUCT TYPE] that helps users to [PROBLEM SOLVED BY THE PRODUCT]. Assume that the desired outcome you are working for is to increase [METRICS TARGETED]. Craft an opportunity tree based on Terresa Torres’ book, Continuous Discovery Habits, against this desired outcome.
Valider le marché total adressable (TAM) d’un produit
Act as a Product Manager. Assume TAM is Total Addressable Market, SAM is Serviceable Available Market and SOM is Serviceable Obtainable Market. How would I go bout estimating the TAM, SAM and SOM for [PRODUCT TYPE]? Please give examples of research sources I should check out.
Creuser les JTBD
Assume my product is a [PRODUCT TYPE]. It will be serving [TARGET OR LOCATION]. I want to conduct some consumer research to figure out my consumer’s jobs-to-be-done. What personas should I target and then, what questions should I be asking them to elicit the job-to-be-done? Take inspiration from the book “Mon Test”.
Faire de la Product Research
Could you propose a discovery framework to understand [PROBLEM DESCRIPTION]?
Exemple de problème : “a drop-off in my conversion funnel”.
Compléter cette première question par :
Could you propose an interview guide to analyze this ?
Faire de la customer Research
Topic : [TOPIC NAME]
Provide a succinct list of the desires that customers looking to achieve the above topic will have.
Rédiger des mails pour contacter les utilisateurs
Write an email that I can send to users of my [PRODUCT VALUE PROP] inviting them to a short 20-minute feedback call on ways we can improve their experience. Incentivize them with a 20€ Starbucks gift card.
Générer des customer journeys map
Create a sample customer journey map for a [PRODUCT TYPE] similar to [FAMOUS PRODUCT NAME] in a tabular format.
Réaliser un “pre-mortem” (pour anticiper les obstacles potentiels d'un projet) :
Prompt 1 :
We have created a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] for [END USER]. However, it failed to attract any market share. What could be the reasons for the same?
Prompt 2 :
I have done exhaustive user research to come up with problems for my users of the [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION]. What are the things I could have done wrong here, and how can I improve?
Prompt 3 :
We are all set to launch the product in a couple of weeks. Here is the description of the product [PASTE PRD]. Can you tell us in case we are not able to ship the product on time what could be the reasons and how to avoid them?
What is that I can do with no-code tools so that I can test my idea of a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] for [END USER] without having to hire a developer? Tell me the exact process and tools.
Réaliser une discovery complète par Olivier Gasquet
Olivier Gasquet, CPTO de Evoliz m’a proposé de partager son travail d’expérimentation via ChatGPT. Le voici.
2/ Stratégie, roadmap et OKRs
Élaborer une stratégie Produit
Gibson Biddle has a product strategy framework called the DHM model. D stands for delight (how does the product delight customers and add real value), H stands for hard-to-copy (what is an advantage that your product has that is hard-to-copy and compete with) and M stands for margin-enhancing (how will the product generate a profit and sustain the business). In short, the DHM model aims to answer: “How will your product delight customers, in hard-to-copy, margin-enhancing ways?” Now act as a Product Manager for a [PRODUCT TYPE] like [FAMOUS PRODUCT NAME]. Give me product strategy for this product using Biddle’s DHM model.
Générer des OKR
I just took over the reins of a [PRODUCT TYPE] that helps [END USER] improve [VALUE PROP]. I have a Product team of 5 under me. Three of them work on the [PERIMETER OR FEATURE 1] and 2 other on [PERIMETER OR FEATURE 2]. I need to come up with relevant OKRs for the team that they can pursue in the next quarter that would result in positive uptake in terms of acquisition and activation. Suggest a few OKRs. Tabulate the results.
Trouver des metrics de succès
What could be the success metrics and L1, and L2 metrics for a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION]? Explained in your PRD above?
Générer des idées de roadmap
I am working for a product that’s a direct competitor of [COMPANY NAME] - the [COMPETITOR PRODUCT VALUE PROP]. The product strategy is to become a [YOUR PRODUCT VALUE PROP] by building [PRODUCT TYPE]. This will allow [END USER] to do [MAIN ACTIONS THE END USER CAN DO WITH THE PRODUCT]. Give me a list of roadmap ideas aligned with this strategy.
3/ Priorisation
Peser le pour et le contre dans les décisions produit
Prompt 1 :
I am building a [PRODUCT TYPE & VALUE PROP] for [END USER]. The product team uses the KANO model to prioritize features. Can you give me examples of features that would qualify as “basic”, “excitement” and “performance” according to KANO? Tabulate this.
Prompt 2 :
I am building a [PRODUCT TYPE & VALUE PROP] for [END USER]. I have the following 4 features. How would you prioritize them based on weighted-value models?
4/ Data
Analyser et segmenter des données
I have a dataset with customer feedback data. It has the following schema: [PASTE DATASET]. Make a list of the 6 most relevant charts to visualize.
Rédiger des requêtes SQL
Can you help me build a SQL query to find the [sum of 'revenue'] from the 'sales' table for the last quarter? Here is the table structure below [PASTE TABLE]
Mettre en place un dashboard Mixpanel
I have been asked to setup a dashboard for measuring performance of my [TYPE OF PRODUCT] on MixPanel. Can you first nominate the metrics I should be tracking and then give me a step by step guide on how to set these up on MixPanel?
Créer un récapitulatif d’événements
[GIVE DETAILS ABOUT SUCCESS METRICS] → voir chapitre “Trouver des metrics de succès” plus bas dans cette édition. Based on the details above can you create an event sheet that I can give to my developer to fire necessary events to our analytics tool? Make sure you include the event name and all associated properties in the sheet.
5/ Delivery
Rédiger des users stories
Prompt 1 :
I am creating a product with the following features: [PASTE FEATURES HERE]. Can you help me write user stories from this information?
Prompt 2 :
This is my PRD, can you help me craft user stories from this?
Prompt 3 :
What might be some good user stories to include in a PRD for [PRODUCT IDEA]
Prompt 4 :
I want you to act as a Product Manager. You will be working on user stories for the product backlog. For each user story, I want you to identify which persona the story is centered on, describe why solving the user problem is important to that persona, articulate what the problem is and also included an estimation of how often this issue occurs to the persona each month. My first request is: “Write a user story explaining how a [PERSONA] will be able to [ACTION EXPLANATIONS]. In a separate paragraph, write is user acceptance criteria.”
Créer un PRD (Product Requirements Document)
Prompt 1 :
I am looking to create a detailed product requirement document, can you give me a quick template to follow along?
Prompt 2 :
Help me create a detailed Product Requirement Document for an Android App which [USED-CASE DESCRIPTION]. Include all the important details.
BONUS : un outil génial basé sur ChatGPT pour rédiger un PRD.
6/ Design
Créer un Design System
Prompt 1 :
Act like a product designer that needs to create a design system documentation for a product. Generate design system documentation for the Button component. Please include these topics:
- Overview of the component
- Usage
- Anatomy
- Variants
- Sizes
- Do and Don't
Here is information about the button in my design system :
- The button comes in two sizes S(40px height) and L(48px height)
- The color of the text is white
- The background color is dark green
- The button can only have an icon on the left side of the text.
Prompt 2 :
You are a designer that works on the design system team for a web application. You need to write documentation for a checkbox component for the design system. Write design system documentation for the checkbox component which includes the following information:
- Anatomy
- Types
- States
- Best practices in a do-and-don’t format
- Accessibility information
Provide them in two formats- one for the desktop view and the other for the mobile view. Also, take into consideration different use cases of checkboxes like using them in a form or using it for filter purposes.
Assister sur de l’UX Writing
You work as a designer for [COMPANY] which is a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION]. You’ve been asked to create an error message which will appear in the web application when the user tries to [USER ACTION]. Your goal is to inform the user in an informal yet clear way that if they [USER ACTION], then they [GENERATED ACTION] in the future. [COMPANY] has a sense of humor, so feel free to be funny when it’s appropriate and when it comes naturally to you. But don’t go out of your way to make a joke — forced humor can be worse than none at all.
7/ Product Marketing
Créer un pitch deck
Can you provide an example of a bottom-up market analysis for a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION].
Créer le story telling d’un produit
Act as the Product Manager for a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] that’s a direct competitor to [COMPETITOR]. You are launching a new feature that [EXPLAIN NEW FEATURE VALUE PROP]. You want to excite your sales, marketing and customer success teams about this feature. You have to prepare a 10-slide presentation to announce this at the next townhall. Include a story using a persona: [INVENT A CHARACTER]. Use motivating, uplifting language.
Générer une FAQ
Can you write a short FAQ message to explain to a user that the size of the file to upload cannot exceed 1 Mo.
Générer un brief Produit
Can you write a product brief for a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION].
Ecrire une proposition de valeur
Explain the value of [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] so that 5 year old could understand it.
Sortir un press release type Amazon
Assume you are building a [PRODUCT TYPE] that does [PRODUCT VALUE PROPOSITION]. You are launching a new feature that will [NEW FEATURE VALUE PROPOSITION]. Using Amazon’s “Working backwards” model, write a press release for this product feature. Include some impressive metrics. Give it a catchy title.
8/ Carrière
Préparer une job interview
Prompt 1 :
I'm applying for a Product Manager job at [COMPANY]. I'm going to set the context for you by sharing the job description and company profile first: [COMPANY PROFILE + JOB DESC]
Prompt 2 :
Here is a Job description of a job I am looking to apply for. Can you tell me what skills and questions should I prepare for? [Paste Job Description]
Prompt 3 :
Here is my resume. Can you tell me what optimization I can do to make it more likely to get selected for this interview? [Paste Resume in text]
Prompt 4 :
Act as an Interviewer for the role of a product manager at [Company]. Ask me 5 questions one by one, wait for my response, and then tell me how I did. You should give feedback in the following format: What was good, where are the gaps, and how to address the gaps?
Prompt 5:
I am interviewing for this job given in the JD. Can you help me understand the company, its role, its products, main competitors, and challenges for the company?
Prompt 6:
What are the few questions I should ask at the end of the interview which can help me learn about the culture of the company?
Contacter des recruteurs
Write a cold email for Hiring Manager at [COMPANY] who is looking to hire a product manager. You can include information from my resume here to make it more contextual.
9/ Compétences de Product Manager
Comprendre le jargon tech
I just started as a Product Manager for a [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION]. The product uses [COMPLICATED TECHNOLOGY] which I don’t understand well. Can you explain this in simple terms? Give me some example usages of this when I’m writing a spec.
Améliorer son écriture
Polish this text. Keep my tone of voice as much as you can.
S’excuser auprès de ses stakeholders
Give me a bundle of 10 hilarious excuses that I could rotate in my emails to stakeholders explaining why a certain committed feature was delayed.
Renforcer son argumentaire
Prompt 1 :
Assume you are the CTO, review this PRD and give me critical, but fair feedback. [PASTE PRD]
Prompt 2, avant une réunion :
I'm meeting the VP of data science for a 30 minute call to discuss [TOPIC]. What should I ask her?
Prompt 3 :
What am I missing here?
Prompt 4 :
What am I being overly optimistic about?
Prompt 5 :
What is a macro event that can totally reverse the outcomes of this test?
Prompt 6 :
Tell me 5 reasons this feature won’t work as intended
Prompt 7 :
Tell me 5 unintended consequences of this feature
Dire “non”
Give me 10 ways to say no to a CEO who is suggesting an irrelevant product feature
Appliquer un framework Product
Prompt 1 :
For [PRODUCT TYPE & VALUE PROPOSITION] what would the user journey look like using the AARRR framework? Also, tell the important metrics for each stage and opportunities for improvement. Give your answer in a tabular form.
Prompt 2 :
I am a product manager at [COMPANY NAME AND VALUE PROPOSITION]. Can you give me some ideas to increase [METRICS] by using the BJ Foggs model?
Prompt 3 :
For an app like [PRODUCT NAME], what could be some Jobs to be done for the users? Please explain with different user contexts.
10/ Pour aller plus loin
ChatGPT for Product Managers par HelloPM
Post Linkedin sur les plugins ChatGPT de Aatir Abdul Rauf
Using ChatGPT to free up time as a PM par The Product Pup
Effective Ways PMs Can Use AI Tools Like ChatGPT par The Product League
How To Use Chat GPT In Your Design Process? par Ankita Gupta
ChatGPT: How This AI Tool is Revolutionizing Product par Nicolas Suchaud
Creating ChatGPT prompt templates for Design Systems par Edward Chechique
Thread Twitter sur AutoGPT de Aakash Gupta
Customer research: a vital part of your business par Prompt Engineering Daily
15 used-cases par Product Growth
How to use ChatGPT in your PM work par Lenny Rachitsky
2000 UX/UI Prompts par Miguel Anticona
💫 Qu'est-ce que Stellar ?
J’ai cofondé Stellar pour accompagner les dirigeants de startups à faire de leur Produit un moteur de croissance inarrêtable.
Et pour activer cette croissance, on a créé :
Un collectif de 15 CPO des meilleures boîtes tech (Zenly, Yousign, BlaBlaCar)
Des formats d’intervention rapides (moins d’une semaine)
Des solutions concrètes à actionner dans la foulée.
Résultats : vous améliorez vos metrics business, votre vitesse d’exécution et la qualité de votre Produit.
Nous avons accompagné 40 clients depuis notre lancement (dont Zeliq 🇫🇷, Edusign 🇫🇷, Fountain 🇺🇸, Tennders 🇪🇸, Predict4health 🇫🇷).
Notre ambition : vous faire atteindre vos objectifs business et positionner votre produit en leader de son marché.
Envie de travailler ensemble ?
Si tu as aimé l’édition, ce serait super que tu la partages sur Linkedin. Je t’ai préparé un template ici :
À dans 15 jours pour la prochaine édition 🙏